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Germanium Diode (Pack of 10)
The Germanium Diode 1N34A is an old standby in electronics. It is widely used for detecting rectifying efficiency or for switching on a radio, TV, or stereo, etc. This pack includes 10 Germanium Diodes.
Key Features:
- Widely used for detecting rectifying efficiency and switching on a radio, TV or stereo
- 10 diodes included in the pack
- Germanium Diode 1N34A
Product Specifications:
Peak Inverse Voltage (PIV) 60 Volts Max. Average Rectified Current 50mA @ 25 deg C Junction Temperature (TJ) 100 deg C Max. Forward Voltage Drop(VF) 1.0V @ 5.0 mA Reverse Current IR 15uA @ VR 10 volts Similar Products:
- 1N4001 Diodes (Pack of 10)
- Zener Diodes (Pack of 10)
- Schottky Diodes (Pack of 10)
- LED Diodes (Pack of 10)
- Rectifier Diodes (Pack of 10)
Note: These are similar products, and each product is different, so research is required to find the best fit for your needs.
Perfect for electronics enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals.